The National Curriculum: A Parent’s Guide to upcoming changes

        Any mention to changes within the National Curricular and parents are rightly concerned, particularly those parents who may have already experienced the National Curriculum, first hand through the eldest of their children. However, such concerns tend to swirl around one central point: a lack of understanding and information. To this end, […]

The CEM 11 Plus Exam: A guide to exam content and preparation

          The CEM 11 Plus Exam: A guide to exam content and preparation The CEM 11 plus Exam may at first appear as a daunting set of dates within the exam schedule, after all it is these exams which cover a plethora of skills, subjects and question formats. What’s more however […]

The 11+ Exam and Verbal Reasoning

11 + Exam: Verbal Reasoning 11+ exam revision, preparation and testing involve a plethora of practice papers, with verbal reasoning making for an almost universally employed paper. This may, in no small part, be due to verbal reasoning testing a child’s potential, as well as their current abilities. The Structure of the Verbal Reasoning Paper […]

The Difference in Learning by Gender and One to One

Educators have long been aware of the difference in learning styles, especially when dealing with one to one tuition. Our children are our most precious commodities. Ensuring that they have a road to their future paved with all the tools for success they need is always of the utmost importance. Focusing on their education is […]

Growth Mindset – 11 Plus Tutors Cultivating positive growth

How it is that old saying goes? ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again’. Have you used it? How often did you hear it as a child? Would you believe that behind such a statement lies an interesting perspective, they’re not just a string of words, in fact the effect those words […]

What is the 11 Plus Exam?

For those who are approaching the 11 plus exam for the first time, it can feel as though there is a somewhat confusing landscape of advice and information that surrounds the exams; this isn’t just applicable to the student either, with many parents finding conflicting information and guidance as to how to approach the exams […]

The Different Types of Learner and The 11 Plus Exam

In the run-up to the 11 Plus exams, parents understandably want their child to be as prepared as possible; however, one area that is frequently overlooked is learning styles. This, however, should serve as something that ultimately underpins every revision session and each practice test that your child sits. If you’re new to the varying […]

Improving your Child’s Memory – The 11 Plus Exam

If your child is quickly approaching the 11 Plus exam, then one fundamental skill that you are likely working on is their memory. While many may believe that information retention is a skill that we either have a natural propensity towards or otherwise, an effective memory can be learned and improved through set exercises. Here […]

The 11 Plus and Thinking Skills

At Eleven Plus Tutors Essex, we are firm believers in the power of developing robust thinking skills; in fact, thinking skills lie at the very heart of our tutorship. We do not just train children to regurgitate facts and memorise answers to past papers but look at developing higher-order thinking skills in children. We believe […]