Screen time: How too much electronic media can be bad for our children

The Situation Since television sets became commonplace in the average British household, parents around the country have known the delights of plopping their little one down in front of the screen. They let the world of child-oriented media take over the parenting duties while mum and dad get things done around the house. And in […]

Is it possible to boost your child’s intelligence?

Every parent wants the best for their child- and maybe the best way of ensuring a bright future for your child is to stimulate their intellect as best you can. Even though the debate between nature and nurture is far from over, there are some pretty surefire tricks you can use to help your child […]

School Places Shortage in The UK

Introduction A report this year by the Local Government Association has found that despite the government’s recent efforts at education reform, the system still faces the possibility of a shortfall of 10,000 places in primary schools around the country within the next four years. Highlighted in an article this year in the Guardian, the data […]

GCSE Grades 2016- Grammar Schools Buck The Decline

It’s that time of year again- students across the country have received their GCSE and A-level grades. But that is as unfortunate for our under-fire education system as it must have been for the students. There has been a ‘dramatic decline’ in the proportion of C grades or above. Also, a smaller decline in the […]

How To Help Your Children Study

  Good study habits don’t come naturally to everybody, and some children need more structure and guidance than others to study effectively. While it can be challenging to help a child struggling with learning, it is beneficial both for the teacher and the student. Many proactive steps can be taken to assist your children in […]

The Rise of Home Schooling

  Are we seeing more children homeschooled? As part of a Freedom of Information request, the Guardian has found that ‘numbers [of homeschooled children] are rising’. ‘Nobody knows’ the exact number since parents whose children are homeschooled from the beginning of their education are, in fact, under no obligation to tell anybody! But apparently, 85% […]

Top tips for preparing your child for interview at an independent school

Top tips for preparing your child for an interview at an independent school For the parents of a child about to be interviewed at an independent school, the countdown to the day can be pretty nerve-racking.  However, with the right tips, tricks and industry insider’s know-how, both you and your child can look forward to […]

A New Way of Teaching Maths

Groundbreaking research makes waves throughout the mathematics world Mathematics is a notoriously despised subject for most students, ranging from primary school age until the time of sweet 16s, where the majority say goodbye to the subject. However, it now seems that there may well be newly discovered scientific reasons behind such a fervent disliking for […]

Insights and Signs of a Gifted Child- How do you know that you have one?

We all love our children, and we can be incredibly proud of all that they achieve. However, beyond this, it can be difficult to truly decipher whether your child is genuinely gifted, particularly as you’re undoubtedly biased as to their abilities and skillsets. And whilst schools can officially identify such children through means including screening […]