The 11 Plus Tutors in Goodmayes

11 Plus Tutors in Goodmayes
  • 11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs.
  • Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors.
  • Independent School Entrance Exam Preparation
  • GL, CCHS (FSCE) and CSSE Grammar School Entrance preparation
  • Online Tuition also Available
  • Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy.
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To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 0208 0589631

How to Locate 11 Plus Tutors in Goodmayes?

We all want the best for our children, which is why we want to ensure they get the right start. Their education can sometimes feel somewhat out of our control, as it is down to the school that they go to. Our 11 Plus tutoring covers all areas within the Redbridge area such as: Seven Kings, Newbury Park, Ilford and Goodmayes. However, as parents, there is plenty that we can do to help our children with their education.

One of these is helping them to get into an 11-plus school. To be able to attend an 11-plus school, a child needs to pass their 11-plus exams. Which is something that we can help with here at Eleven Plus.

Able to help people throughout the Goodmayes area, we offer the support that both children need, and parents hope for when it comes to moving through their eleven-plus exams.

We have a dedicated team of tutors that are all there to ensure that children can access professional, high-quality teaching that will help them to excel in their learning and prepare them for their 11-plus exams.

Every single tutor has the same mindset and is devoted to ensuring that their students have access to the very best in modern tutoring methods and materials.


How We Manage our Teaching and Learning?

One of the main things you should know about our approach to tutoring is that we want to ensure that all children we work with feel engaged and interested in what they are learning.

We want to give them the best chance of succeeding and know that to do this, they need to like to learn. We can always ensure that students stay focused by ensuring that we deliver our tutoring with a fresh new approach.

Not only this, but we take the time to get to know our students too, which means that we understand the best approach to take with their learning. As well as this, we will ensure that we check back with students during their learning journey to ensure that the teaching methods we have already implemented are working for them as they should.

We can then evolve or change our approaches, materials and teaching methods to ensure that the strategy matches the child.

How We Teach?

One of the key elements of our service is that a solid approach to tuition can help children to learn when they work with our tutors.

Not only do they take the time to think about what needs to be covered in a session, but they will also research the latest materials and teaching approaches that they can offer. Of course, they will ensure that these teaching methods match what the children learn best from.

They do this by taking the time to learn more and more about the children that they work with. They will assess their needs, level and how best to approach their learning.

When they have done this, they will know what to offer to the child and can assess and review what methods are working best and which ones may not be giving them the support they need.

This variety of teaching methods, along with the determination and dedication of all the tutors that form our network, has allowed us to grow into a highly recommended tutoring service in the Newbury Park area.

Our Tuition and Parental Involvement?

Whilst the focus of 11 plus will always be on the child and their learning, we also know the importance of working with the parents and building this all-important relationship.

Our tutors will ensure that parents are consulted throughout the learning process and that they know their child’s progression. Also, we welcome parents to give their feedback on the learning their child is accessing and discuss any concerns they may have.

By doing this, not only can we do the best for the student, but we also can do the best for the parents too.

Our 1-on-1 Tutoring Provision

Learning in a school setting is often focused on groups. Whilst there are many benefits to cooperative learning, there are times when a child is going to require a more personalised approach.

This is where our tutoring can help. We have designed one-to-one tutoring, which means that your child is the sole focus of that tutor for the time they work with them. They will build up a picture of the child and their needs, then be able to meet those learning needs and provide them with the best chance of passing their 11-plus exams.

Need an 11-plus tutor in Goodmayes? Get in touch with us now to learn more about how we can help your child to succeed in their learning.


