Introduction to 11 plus exams

Introduction to 11+ Practice Papers

If your child has dreams of attending a grammar school then you are going to want to give them the best chance possible of doing just that. This will often mean that you need to provide them with support and resources during those early times of preparing for their exams.

This is where practice papers can help.

What are 11+ Practice Papers?

As the name suggests, these are papers that are designed to allow your child to practice the questions and format of their 11+ exams before the time comes for them to sit them.

They are designed to provide them with realistic questions that could appear in their exam and are delivered in the same format too. Our 11 plus practice papers will be at the same level as they can expect them to be in the exam.

Why are they worth having?

There are lots of reasons why you may want to give your child access to 11+ practice papers. The first one is that it gives them a chance to see what the exam will look for before the actual day that they need to take them. This will give them peace of mind and will help to stop them from worrying about their exams.

They will also give them a chance to test their knowledge. There may be areas that they think that they will feel comfortable in, which they then find that they cannot answer as well as they thought. Equally, there may be areas that they thought that they would find difficult, only to discover that they are okay.

Having this knowledge of their weaker/stronger areas can help your child to feel at ease with what they need to work on and will allow them to have some real focus on their revision.

Another thing that these exams can help them with is their time-keeping, a child won’t know how long these exams take (or for that matter how long they have) therefore, if they sit the exams for the right length of time and in an exam format, then this will help them to properly manage their time in the real thing.

One final positive for having practice exam papers is that they allow your child to do just that, practice. Just like many things in life, when it comes to their 11+ practice will often make perfect, which will then in turn give them a really good chance of being able to pass those all-important tests and securing their place in their chosen school.

If you want to make sure that your child can have the best start possible to their education and want them to go to grammar school, then ensuring that they have a variety of 11+ practice exam papers is the best way to help them on their way.

Introduction to 11+ Practice Papers

Subjects Covered in 11+ Practice Papers

Regional Variations in 11+ Exams

Stakeholders in The 11 Plus Exam

CSSE Practice Papers

Future Stories Practice Papers

