The Eleven Plus Tutors in Essex – Danbury

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors. CCHS (FSCE) 11+ Preparation C.S.S.E 11+ Exam Preparation Online Tuition also Available Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 01206 214109 11 Plus Tutors Danbury – Why […]

The Eleven Plus Tutors in Leigh on sea

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from expert 11+ tutors. CCHS (FSCE) 11+ Preparation C.S.S.E 11+ Exam Preparation Online Tuition also Available Exciting and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 01702 593047 11 Plus Tutor Leigh on Sea – Why […]


In English 11 Plus 根據您孩子的個人需求而量身定制的教學指導 由11 PLUS專業導師引領入門 英語 7/11/13+ 預備課程 數學 7/11/13+ 預備課程 團隊擁有非常專業的英國教育系統知識 提供線上授課 授課方式生動有趣可以有效的調動孩子們的積極性,從而達到孩子們主動融入 學習的氛圍。 在家即可預訂11 PLUS評估課程,有意者請致電 (+44) 1206 214109 提及世界著名教育,英國當之無愧是最好的留學國家之一。數不勝數的聞名於 世的學校以及大學遍布整個英格蘭、威爾士、蘇格蘭和北愛爾蘭,吸引了無數 的來自世界各地的莘莘學子為了實現自己的夢想而來到英國開啟求學之旅。 甚至遠至香港等地。您是否居住在英國境外並希望將您的孩子送到英國境內開 啟一個新的留學旅程?如果答案是肯定的,您當然希望他們的教育会有一個最 好的開端。 在我們這裡,為您提供了一個非常有效的解決方案。它就是我們的在線遠程教 學服務。   Top UK Independent Schools   為什麼選擇我們的在線遠程私教服務 無論您身處何處,只要您希望你的孩子在英國開啟他的學涯規劃,來到我們這 裡將是您最正確的選擇。 我們的在線遠程教學服務最大的實現了世界各地學子們的地域自由,讓不在英 國居住的孩子們有著和本土孩子同等獲得我們專業知識的渠道。註冊成為我們 的會員,您將獲得和我們專業講師的一對一服務的機會。 我們將在整個過程中為您提供最新的信息以確保您了解您孩子的進步情況。我 們還將向您提供申請英國學校時需要的其他一些信息,以及您作為家長需要關 注的事項。 更多關於我們 我們是幫助您的孩子來英求學的一座最好的橋樑。我們擁有著非常專業和資深 的輔導團隊,可以幫助各種水平和能力的孩子發揮他們的特長從而達到最好的 效果。 對於一些水平比較高的孩子,我們會進行適當的挑戰,看看他們在現有的水平 和我們的支持下可以達到什麼更好的效果。當然與此同時我們也會給不同級別 的孩子提供對應的輔導培訓,讓他們以最好的面貌進入心儀的學校。 在關注孩子自身成就的同時, 我們也非常重視與父母的溝通。我們會為父母提 供支持和建議,讓他們知道作為父母可以如何更好的幫助自己的孩子,最終以 […]

The 11 Plus Tutors in Wanstead

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from expert 11+ tutors. CCHS (FSCE), CSSE and GL Assessment 11+ Preparation C.S.S.E 11+ Exam Preparation Online Tuition also Available Exciting and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 020 8058 9631 11 Plus Tutors […]

The 11 Plus Tutors in Goodmayes

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors. Independent School Entrance Exam Preparation GL, CCHS (FSCE) and CSSE Grammar School Entrance preparation Online Tuition also Available Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 0208 0589631 How […]

The 11 Plus Tutors in Seven Kings

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors. Independent School Entrance Exam Preparation Grammar School Entrance preparation Online Tuition also Available Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 0208 0589631 Our 11 Plus Tutors in […]

The 11 Plus Tutors in Newbury Park

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors. Independent School Entrance Exam Preparation CSSE, CCHS (FSCE) and GL Grammar School Entrance preparation Online Tuition also Available Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 0208 0589631 […]

The Eleven Plus Tutors in East Ham

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors. Independent School Entrance Exam Preparation GL, CCHS (FSCE) and CSSE Grammar School Entrance preparation Online Tuition also Available Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 0208 0589631 […]

The Eleven Plus Tutors in Essex – Barkingside

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors. Independent School Entrance Exam Preparation GL Assessment, CCHS (FSCE) and CSSE Grammar School Entrance preparation Online Tuition also Available Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 0208 […]

The Eleven Plus Tutors in Redbridge

11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs. Expert Eleven Plus tuition from expert 11+ tutors. GL Assessment 11+ Preparation CCHS (FSCE) and C.S.S.E 11+ Exam Preparation Online Tuition is also Available Exciting and positive learning that children enjoy. To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 020 8058 9631 11 Plus Tutors […]