The Eleven Plus Tutors in Colchester

    • 11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs.
    • Expert Colchester 11 Plus Tuition from inspiring 11 plus tutors.
    • CCHS (FSCE) 11+ Preparation
    • C.S.S.E 11+ Exam Preparation
    • Now Also Available Online
    • Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy.
Request A Callback!

To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 01206 214109 

11 Plus Tutors in Colchester. Why choose us?

Our team consists of highly adept, experienced teachers from many specialist areas. Looking for an  11 plus Tutor – We take pride in creating environments that encourage the students to excel within the set range of subjects and skills that the 11 plus exams demand.

We provide programs that include exam preparation workshops and revision plans that are based on extensively researched methods. Throughout our tutorship programs, there are continual assessments upon progression. This way, the tuition sessions can adapt and change as your child progresses and improves.

A Tutoring Partnership Between Parent And Tutor

The 11 plus tutors believe in a robust partnership between parent and tutor. Throughout working with each child, they continually consult and discuss progression and requirements that adapt and change as the tutoring continues. Also, this creates trust between the tutor, the student and the parent. By doing so, we can update them on any progress or drawback their child may be experiencing during the tuition. Solid communication also includes tips and advice from our side to the parents. It’s how we recommend them to enhance their child’s progress and potential in the future. This also helps to overcome any obstacles that exist.

Looking for a Tutor? Why Choose Us?

When considering tuition, you can put your mind at ease with us. Our trusted team of experienced professional 11 plus tutors have been individually screened and vetted to meet our very high-quality standards and levels of expectations. Many of them have worked with us for a long time. Furthermore, when we hire, we only accept new tutors of the highest calibre from the applicants. Our tutors come with experience from many different backgrounds, subjects and specialities. This is why we will always have the perfect tutor to suit your child’s particular needs. The one thing that unites all of our team – they all have a desire to see your child succeed.

Our Team of Tutors Provide Specialist Programs for your Child

Our tutor team has been overwhelmed with interest in their bespoke learning services. These include 1-on-1 Tuition, mock CSSE and CCHS 11 exam sessions and a creative writing club. The creative writing club is specifically designed for promising creative writers.

The one-on-one 11 plus summer tutoring in Colchester

The school environment is all about teamwork and learning in large groups. However, this doesn’t yield good results at all times. Sometimes, the child needs one-on-one tuition with a tutor to teach through a personalised session. We are proud to offer such services here at Eleven Plus.

Our tutors work with students on a one-to-one basis. That way, tutors can build up a picture of their strengths and what students will need help with the most. They will also understand the learning methods and approaches that will help the child make the most of their tutoring time.

11 Plus Tuition Summer Program- Eleven Plus Tutors

If you and your child find it difficult to manage school and work together with the tuition, we have a solution. We have developed our extensive summer program where our tutors cover a wide range of different courses during the summer weeks. All of these are designed to be fun and help the students grow their knowledge.

Ready to get started? Then get in touch with our office to talk in person with our team about how we can help your child achieve all they are capable of.

For a great 11 plus tutor, call the office today on 01206 214109 or send the team a message.

Colchester 11 Plus Group Tutoring Centre:

Thursdays 17:30 – 19:30

  • Fully Qualified Teacher
  • 97% pass rate
  • Online Portal Access
  • Half-Termly assessment and reporting


Request A Callback!

Sitting an 11 plus exam is not only nerve-wracking for the child but also for the parent too. After all, you will want to make sure that your child has the best start to their future, which could come from a high-quality level of education.

If you live in the Colchester area, you will be interested in learning more about the 11 plus group in Colchester that we are setting up. It is designed to bring our expertise to those who need the support to achieve their very best.

Important Information For Children

Students will require the following items for each session:

  • Clear pencil case
  • 3 sharp pencils
  • 2 rulers
  • 2 rubbers
  • 2 sharpeners
  • 1 x A4 Ring binder file with 6 x dividers
  • 1 x A4 lined pad
  • 1 x A4 square pad
  • Drink and snack
  • 2 x Highlighter pens
  • Post It notes
  • Dictionary

Top Expert Eleven Plus Tutors

James Goldsmith

Academic Director

James graduated from The University of Sussex in 1996 and completed his P.G.C.E teaching qualification in 1997. Since then, James has worked as both a teacher, examiner and in management across a broad spectrum of the State and Independent Education sectors. He is committed to constantly upgrading his teaching skills and raising standards.

Louise Webb B.A(Hons) Cambridge P.G.C.E

Since graduating from Jesus College, Cambridge University with a degree in English, Louise went onto train as a teacher. She has achieved great results, whilst working in the state schools over the years. She is our resident expert in English and creative writing.

Our Colchester Centre

Centre Address:

The Eleven Plus Tutors in Colchester

Sheepen Rd

Thursdays 17:30 – 19:30

Phone Number: 01206 214109


