The Eleven Plus Tutors in Southend on sea

11 plus tutors southend-on-sea

    • 11 Plus tuition tailored to your child’s individual needs.
    • Expert Eleven Plus tuition from inspiring 11+ tutors.
    • CCHS (FSCE) 11+ Preparation
    • C.S.S.E 11+ Exam Preparation
    • Online Tuition Now Available
    • Vibrant and positive learning that children enjoy.
Request A Callback!

To book an 11+ assessment session at your home, please call 01702 593047

An 11 Plus Tutor in Southend on Sea – Why Us?

Our 11 Plus tutors in Southend on Sea are a completely and fully qualified collection of teachers. They are each experienced in a wide range of academic subjects. So you can always find what interests your child specifically. Additionally, they have extensive experience of 11 plus tutoring with the knowledge that incorporates the local authority syllabus and the demands of the 11 Plus range of exams in general.

Our 11 Plus Tutors – A bespoke approach to your child

When working with an 11 plus tutor in Southend,  they are accustomed to working alongside children with advanced abilities. They focus their course content on engaging challenges that encourage your child to achieve all they are capable of.

Our programs are always discussed with you before implementation. Additionally, our services are customised to your child’s areas of interest and needs for improvement. Specifically, this includes 1-on-1 Tuition, mock CSSE, and CCHS (FSCE) 11 exam sessions, to name a few of our tutor services. If you are interested in finding out about all of the programs we offer, contact one of our 11 plus tutors in Southend today!

Working with a variety of modern materials

The old-style approach doesn’t work for everyone, but some modern tutoring methods aren’t suitable for certain students as well. Our tremendous experience has shown us when to use each of those and how to pick the right approach to learning.

The tutor needs to have a variety of teaching methods because some may work brilliantly with one particular textbook, while others require a more visual approach. Our 11 plus tutors know the difference and can deliver results each time.

One-on-one program

At The 11 Plus Tutors in Southend, we are pleased to offer our tuition service on a one-on-one basis. This means you will have a dedicated tutor assigned to you, and your child’s sessions will always be with the same tutor each week. The tuition can help your child get to know their tutor and build trust in them, but it also will allow our tutor to get an insight into your child’s strengths and weaknesses. By doing this, your tutor can pinpoint the areas of study that may need some improvement, and work can be done to overcome any challenges they face in that area.

Home-tuition services throughout Southend on sea

More personalised, and tailored to their own needs, we offer home tuition services. This personal level of service is excellent when it comes to learning more about the strengths and weaknesses of the child. Using our services ensures that students get the utmost attention and care during each session, whether through one-on-one sessions or group tutoring classes.

High-Level Group Tuition

Along with home tuition, we also offer high-level group classes at our tuition centre. A good student-to-teacher ratio is maintained so that your child can make the required progress. This features regular homework, feedback and assessment so that parents can see the impact. Lessons are lively, challenging, thorough, and enjoyable.

Our Top-notch strategy

We have taken place as one of the top educational services agencies in Essex because we always make sure to inform the parents of our students of their progress. See, being informed of your child’s progress is very important, so you know what to expect from the exams. We work with you to make sure that you always feel updated on what the student is doing. We also welcome any calls or emails to discuss progress and how their learning is going.

Any Questions?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our Eleven Plus Tutors.  If you are interested in arranging an assessment or have questions about our services, we are here. Our team of 11 plus tutors is always on hand to help and can be contacted directly on 01702 593047 . Alternatively, you can send us a message via our contact page.

Our Southend Centre

Centre Address:

Luker Rd

Tuesdays 17:30 – 19:30

Phone Number: 01702 593047

About Me:

James Goldsmith

Academic Director

James graduated from The University of Sussex in 1996 and completed his P.G.C.E teaching qualification in 1997. Since then, James has worked as both a teacher, examiner and in management across a broad spectrum of the State and Independent Education sectors. He is committed to constantly upgrading his teaching skills and raising standards.
