How To Help Your Children Study



Good study habits don’t come naturally to everybody, and some children need more structure and guidance than others to study effectively. While it can be challenging to help a child struggling with learning, it is beneficial both for the teacher and the student.

Many proactive steps can be taken to assist your children in developing better study habits and improve their skills. Still, it is most critical to remember that while discipline is necessary, children learn best when motivated and encouraged by the joy of learning.

Three Methods of Improving Study Habits

Endless resources and opinions state how you should help your children develop strong study habits, and many contradict each other. Let’s take a look at three tried and true methods for improving study routines.

  • Building Discipline – Work steadily at building a disciplined study routine. It is crucial to make children understand that how they study is as important as what they study. Show them examples of a good studier, take the time to explain why studying is important, and make sure they know of the challenges and fun involved with studying. To make a disciplined studier out of a child, you must start them as soon as they enter school, teaching them how to eliminate distractions and focus. They also need to be well aware of the consequences of failing to study and how that will affect them. Take frequent breaks, so they don’t feel forced.
  • Incentivising Study – Hard work should be rewarded, so ensure a reward system is in place for when goals are met and accomplishments made. It is important to inspire children with goals to have a vision of what they are working towards and the positive effects on their future. Keep children engaged by incorporating their least favourite subjects and topics with things that interest and excite them; teaching them learning can be fun. It is critical to teach your children to learn, not just study. When children find joy in learning, they absorb so much more.
  • Guided Study Sessions – If you want a say in your child’s study habits, it is vital to be involved. Take an interest in their learning, asking questions and inviting conversations about it. Provide them with the help they need to be successful, and if you cannot, make sure the resources are available to them elsewhere. Help them with their homework and study time, making sure distractions are minimised, and you are working together at getting the job done. Know how your child best learns and find ways to incorporate that into their study routines. It may be necessary to hire a private tutor to take their learning to the next level. If this is an option, strongly consider doing so. Be present when your younger children study, provide them with the guidance they need to be effective, and continuously review their homework, add input, ask questions, and participate in the learning process.


Using some of these techniques can help children get into good study habits early, allowing them to carry their commitment throughout their educational journey.

