11 Plus Mock Exams Essex – CSSE and CCHS Chelmsford Test Centre
ANNOUNCEMENT – 2025 Session Now Open For Bookings
Our Summer 2024 courses are now closed. Papers are still available from our shop.
11 Plus worries? Exam nerves? In a recent survey 92% of respondents, who sat our exams last year, got above 303 points. Give your child the best chance with the 2023 exams and feedback.
All prices include feedback, the return of the actual papers and performance stats by post.
Book Now11 Plus Mock Exams in Essex: What is the 11 Plus Mock Test Package?
This will be one of the most powerful elements of your child’s 11+ preparation. Our 11 plus mock exams in Essex, days will consist of either format of paper.
You will receive your 11 plus mock exam feedback- % achieved, rank within the group and target areas within 3 days of completion.
The Actual Tests:
Summer Mock Exams
Our 11 Plus Mock exam in Essex is a fully rewritten and original, version of the CSSE and CCHS / FSCE mock exam format. Our 11 plus mock exam papers are written by our educational experts who use the national curriculum and student recent papers to produce an accurate and original simulation of the real thing in a proper exam room setting.
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Dates for 2024 Mock Exam Sessions:
The Keene Hall
Watchhouse Road
Chelmsford CM2 8PT
Exam Dates | Every Sunday |
July 2025 |
July 6 (10:30 – 13:15) July 13 (10:30 – 13:15) July 20 (10:30 – 13:15) July 27 (10:30 – 13:15)
August 2025 |
August 03 (10:30 – 13:15) August 17 (10:30 – 13:15) August 24 (10:30 – 13:15) August 24 (14:30 – 17:00) August 31 (10:30 – 13:15) August 31 (14:30 – 17:00)
Sept 2025 |
September 07 (10:30 – 13:15) September 07 (14:30 – 17:00)
The agenda for our CCHS (FSCE) Mock Exams – each session
We have structured our CCHS (FSCE) mock exam sessions to match the environment of the FSCE 11+ exam day as closely as possible. So, in each location, our FSCE-style 11+ mock exams and carefully written to assess your child’s strengths and weaknesses. These include:
- An English paper, a Maths paper and a writing paper
- A short break between the two test papers
Other features of our FSCE mock exams include:
- English Paper – Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning and Applied Reasoning
- Maths Paper
- Writing Paper
What about our 11 Plus CSSE Mock Exams?
The Essex CSSE 11 plus mock exams are traditional entrance exams tests used by certain schools as a way to test applicants. The questions these tests have are varied and sometimes challenging which gives children the opportunity to show their skills and be creative. If your child prepares for the CSSE 11+ exams well, they will have consolidated their most important skills and knowledge, and be in a strong position to make a success of their first year at secondary school.
Children will be expected to wear full school uniform (students will not be allowed to sit the exam if he/she is not dressed in school uniform) and to bring the following equipment in a clear plastic bag:
- 3 sharp pencils
- 2 rulers
- 2 rubbers
- 2 sharpeners
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Worried that your child will be nervous come exam time? Why not get them used to exams now and curb those nerves
No one, no matter your age, likes the idea of having to sit an exam. This is particularly true for children, especially if that exam can have an impact on their future.
If you are hoping that your child will be able to attend a grammar school, then they are going to need to sit an Eleven Plus exam, which could then place a high level of importance on this test. As the time draws nearer for your child to sit, the nerves and anxiety can kick in and you will find that they could even end up making mistakes or errors during the exams, simply because they are nervous.
So, what can you do? We believe that to give your child the best chance of passing their Eleven Plus exams, they should get used to exams. If nothing else, it helps them to know exactly what the exam setting may feel and look like.
But what can a parent do to help their child get used to the idea of exams? The answer is, maybe not much, thankfully, here at Eleven Plus we can give your child a helping hand with their experience of sitting an exam.
11 Plus Mock Exam in Essex – Packages
We help parents take control of their child’s own academic path, ensuring that they get the very best start in life. We want to ensure that children get the opportunity to improve their self-belief and self-confidence, which hopefully will take them further in their lives.
To do this we have put together our exams package. These come in the form of Eleven Plus mock exams in the county of Essex, which not only help your child to prepare for the type of questions that they will be asked but also prove to be a useful revision tool.
We recommend that you encourage your child to sit their mock exams in the same manner that they would need to at school, as the controlled conditions are often one of the things that children find the hardest to get to grips with. Not only this, but it will also help them to learn more about how they can focus on the task that they need to complete, without becoming distracted. Please also consider our online portal.
Always value for money
One thing that we are sure of here at Eleven Plus in Essex is the quality and high standard that we deliver. Which means you can trust in the value for money for your investment. Your child can take their tests on a Saturday before being able to revise and work on any key areas during the week. It is this that will not only help them to retain the information that they have learnt but also will help them to get used to being within an exam setting.
All in all, the mock exam service from Eleven Plus is something that you really should invest in. Not only can it help with your child’s future, giving them valuable experience in sitting in and taking exams, but it will also give their confidence a boost. You will also find that it helps with understanding key subjects and be useful as revision too.
For you, the parent, you will have peace of mind that your child has the best start to their future, that they have the best chance to get a place in an 11+ school, which can help kickstart not only their later stages of education but their careers too.
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